Messages GR10 2005
Messages of Support - please email any messages to

"From one mountain man to two mountain people – keep on trekking. Best wishes for a great walk."
- Norman Coucher

"Ivan and Sue, Hope everything's going fine for you. Good luck for the rest of the trip."
- Graham Bennet and class.

"Sorry I have not contacted you till now but I have been too busy (but not as busy as you!) I can just about imagine how hard the extremes of temperature and gradient are (or can I?) but glad to see that you are heartened by the scenery and flora/forna. I put my money on Ivan for the maillot jaune but Sue for the maillot vert. Both of you are definitely the Roi (Reine) de la Montagnes! (With a little help from Shirley)" - Keith & Shirley