Messages GR10 2005
Messages of Support - please email any messages to

"Hi Sue and Ivan. Julie here getting her head around technology! So glad all is going well and you are having a fantastic time. It IS a passiflora Sue - they were immature leaves and now have three lobed leaves and tendriles. Really looking forward to seeing you on your return - take care and enjoy the rest of the trip" - Julie

"Hi Sue and Ivan, The photos look quite amazing, you are doing so well, and looking very fit I have to say! We all look forward to cheering you on during your lap of honour!!" - Roger

"You are remarkable. Have seen Yvonne briefly - who was in no doubt as to the toughness of the trek. I guess you'll experience 'culture shock' after this. How can it possibly be followed?... Keep on being stars, enjoying it as you tussle with it. Much love from us," - Bry and Jamie