Hebrides 2006

Useful Websites - click on the links below, all found following a trawl through Google. This is by no means an exhaustive list!!

The Virtual Hebrides website is a wonderfully comprehensive visual and factual compendium of information mainly focussing on Harris and Lewis - an absolute must see!!
The Visit Scotland website is the main Scotland website - click on regions and then Outer Isles
Visit Hebrides is the official tourist site for the Outer Hebrides
Undiscovered Scotland provides links to many historic sites and places of interest
The Scottish Youth Hostels Association has information about the 5 rustic youth hostels ... and the Independent Hostel guide has details about 3 additional independent youth hostels
Western Isles Wildlife offers up-to-date information about Hebridean wildlife and wildlife tours
The Highland Council's Am Baile site has comprehensive details of the Highland's history and culture
Music in Scotland gives information about Scottish music and where live music can be heard
... and finally check out Hebrides Weather for comprehensive details of past and future Stornoway weather!
