Photos Hadrian's Wall 2012 Days 03 - 04

As Day 3 progresses along the Military Road more and more evidence of the Wall, the vallum and ditch can be seen. From the Errington Arms it's worth making a detour 3 miles south to the remains of the Roman town of Coria ( or Corstopitum ) - use the headphones for an excellent guided tour of the site. Further along the military road the site of the 7th century battle of Heavenfield is passed before dropping to Chollerford on the River North Tyne.
Day 4 offers opportunities to visit many sites near the North Tyne crossing - Brunton Turret, the site of the Chesters Bridge, the extensive Chesters Fort with its excellently preserved bath-house and the nearby home of John Clayton who did so much to preserve the Wall we see today. Beyond Chesters a long haul takes you to Limestone Corner, the most northerly limit of the Roman Empire. A short distance beyond is the fort and temple of Brocolitia where Ant runs a coffee bar and is a wealth of Wall knowledge. From here the scenery becomes ever more spectacular as you climb along the Whinsill Ridge with views across the empty border country to the north towards the Cheviots.

Photos Main Page : Photos Days 03 - 04 : Days 01 - 02 : Days 05 - 06 : Days 07 - 09
