Photos GR10 Days 41 - 45

Photos - Days 41 - 45 Lac des Bouillouses - Chalet des Cortalets (Canigou) ( posted August 23rd )

The Mediterranean climate brings a change of vegetation and a more open landscape. Again we make new French friends, Marie-Pierre and Patrice and then Jocelyne and Michel as we share the final stretch towards the coast. The remote Ras de Carança quickly becomes our favourite refuge - an open fire for food and washing in the nearby stream whilst Petit Pois the donkey supplies all the food. At Mantet the Cazenove family provide the best food of the trek, in Py the red roofs signal the approaching coast, at Mariailles the somewhat eccentric gardienne, Marie-Jo, regales us with stories after supper and as we approach the Chalet des Cortalets high on the slopes of the Canigou we get our first distant view of the Mediterranean. All the time the scenery under a clear blue sky is just magical.

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